ADA Reasonable Accommodation Guidelines

Employees & Job Applicants

Employees and job applicants seeking disability support and accommodation should contact the ADA Coordinator, located in the office of Human Resource Management, WH-340. The ADA Coordinator has been designated as the campus authority to verify employee disabilities and to assist the appropriate department administrator with identifying specific accommodations for employees with documented disabilities. All accommodations are individualized based on the disability and the nature of the job.

Job Accommodation Request

Employees and job applicants who believes they need a medical accommodation to assist them with performing the essential functions of their job is encouraged to request an ADA job accommodation. The employee, job applicants, the employee's representative, and/or the appropriate administrator or the Dean may initiate an ADA job accommodation request.

The accommodation request process shall be used to resolve accommodation needs. The ADA Coordinator will assist in obtaining the information needed to ensure the department and the employee are in a position to make an informed decision regarding reasonable accommodations.

All requests for reasonable accommodations must be in writing using the ADA Reasonable Accommodation Request Form and ADA Job Accommodation Medical Provider Disability Verification Form.  The appropriate administrator, the recruiter or hiring manager receiving requests for ADA job accommodations shall direct employees and job applicants to submit their request in writing by using the aforementioned forms. However, information for the Medical Provider Disability Verification Form can also be provided on their medical providers' letterhead.

Employees and job applicants are urged to contact the ADA Coordinator regarding any ADA accommodation questions or concerns.

Event Accommodations for Disabled Employees and Job Applicants

If you are an employee or job applicant with a disability and require reasonable accommodations to participate in any event sponsored by CSUDH, please contact the ADA Coordinator, located in the office of Human Resource Management, WH-340 at least five business days in advance prior to the scheduled event.


Visitors requiring disability support and accommodation resources should contact the office they are visiting for assistance with addressing their accommodation needs. For information regarding parking and transportation please contact Parking & Transportation Services at (310) 243-3725 or visit the Parking & Transportation Services website.

Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI)

It is CSU's policy to make information technology resources and services accessible to all CSU students, faculty, staff, and the general public regardless of disability. For more information, including resources, policy requirements regarding departmental software purchases, etc., please visit the CSU Dominguez Hills ATI Webpage.

Reporting a Physical Access Barrier

Staff, faculty, students, and campus visitors who encounter a physical access barrier on campus, such as an inoperative elevator or unresponsive power door; bicycles or vehicles blocking access ramps or curb cuts; overhanging branches; and/or difficulty traveling a route because of construction, etc., are encouraged to report such barriers directly to Facilities Services at (310) 243-3804 or you can contact the ADA Coordinator at (310) 243-3771.

Employee Ergonomic Request

If you are only requesting an ergonomic workstation evaluation, you do not need to complete the ADA Accommodation Request form. To learn more about ergonomic resources, please visit the Ergonomic Program Website. For additional information, please contact Environment Health & Safety at (310) 243-2895 or


Students seeking disability support and accommodation resources should contact the Student disAbility Resource Center (SdRC). The SdRC has been designated as the campus authority to verify disabilities and to prescribe specific accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Individualized programs are designed to enable students to compete academically on an equal basis with their peers. Academic accommodations and support services are available to students who have mobility, visual, or hearing impairments, chronic health conditions, and/or attention, learning, or psychological disorders. You may contact the Student disAbility Center via email at or call (310) 243-3660 for assistance.